I'll admit it. Any time I agree with Pat Buchanan, it disturbs me a little. More and more often, though, I seem to be agreeing.
Today I was directed to "The American Cause" by PUMA blogger, Bud White. There, in plain sight.... under "Building the New Majority" Mr. Buchanan tells us of his plan: "Recapturing the Hillary Democrats."
This is no joke. The higher ups in the Conservative movement have noticed that there are a lot of us PUMAs, and that we are pissed as hell. Now they are devising a plan to woo us over into camp GOP.
Let me be clear. I support Sarah Palin. And I'm OK about making friends with some fiscal conservatives. I am one of those too, ya know. A bit of a Blue Dawg.
But, I am in no way up for any gay bashing. And I won't tolerate anti-woman rhetoric of any kind. I'm also averse to blatant Clinton bashing.
I'd say I am not unlike a lot of the folks Pat is gunnin' for. And I'm really curious to see if he can pull this off.....
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