Nope. This is NOT going away!
HILLBUZZ asks... "What would Al Sharpton do? And then they answer themselves:
"Does your town have a CBS window on the world' style studio where the morning news is broadcast with an open window looking out to the street? If so, head over there with signs condemning Olive Garden, MARS Candy, and Kelloggs for supporting the statutory rape of minors by way of sponsoring Letterman’s program.
Scare the living daylights out of Letterman’s advertisers, get them to drop this show, and CBS will then be forced to deal with Letterman once and for all.
Tell everyone Al Sharpton sent you, and learn from the master."
Further, I received this letter from one Laureen at Team Sarah today:
Subj: Fire David Letterman Rally at Ed Sullivan Theater in NYC at 4:30 pm Monday June 15 is on !
I am pleased to report that we have received enough volunteer leader commitments from the now 2,253 people on this mailing list to make a FIRM DECISION to go forward with a planned FIRE DAVID LETTERMAN RALLY, currently scheduled to be held from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm this Monday June 15 outside the Ed Sullivan Theater, located at 1697 Broadway in New York City.
If you live anywhere within a 4 hour driving distance of New York City, please plan on attending this event. Bring your own signs (be creative but PG rated!). We will be announcing more details over the weekend so stay tuned. We need more volunteers to help our “Project Servant-Leaders”, so please email me at michaelpatrickleahy@gmail.com if you can provide some time.
Laureen Cummings has agreed to serve as our “Project Servant-Leader” responsible for our Media Relations.
Marie Wilkinson and others have agreed to share “Project Servant-Leader” responsibilities in the Social Media arena.
We have volunteers for our logistics and volunteer coordination areas as well, and will be announcing the names of that leadership group over the weekend.
Keep telling your friends on the internet and in person to sign the letter to CBS asking them to fire David Letterman at our website, http://www.firedavidletterman.com
Two additional pieces of news to show that we and others are already making some progress:
1. CBS has received so many negative comments about Letterman they have shut down the comments section of their website.
2. A leading New York State Legislator, Brian Kolb, publicly called today for CBS to fire Letterman.
Thanks for all your help. Stay tuned for news over the weekend about how you can help make this coming Monday’s “FIRE DAVID LETTERMAN RALLY” a success !
Finally, we are continuing to target family oriented sponsors of the Letterman show with our calling and writing campaigns. Mars Candy. Olive Garden. Kelloggs.
Meanwhile, if you haven't seen Sarah's response on "The Today Show" yet the interview is linked At the New Agenda. Five posts after their PRESS Release. (Note: TNA has taken this very seriously. Be sure to read ALL of their Letterman related posts. They are informative and helpful, if you have to discuss the matter with some of your "Progressive" friends.)
That is all for now. Carry on, troops.
I've been singing summertime for a while, but I just posted the news about the rally on my blog. Thanks for all you do.