The ongoing Political Musings of a former (now Stray) Yellar Dawg Dem.
This is a Feminist Blog, in the tradition of Susan B. Anthony.
"Just Tell Them...
I have worked 40 years to make the Women's Suffrage platform broad enough for Atheists and Agnostics to stand upon, and now if need be I will fight the next 40 to keep it Catholic enough to permit the straightest Orthodox religionist to speak or pray and count her beads upon."
Susan B. Anthony
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Does It Matter What The President Says Today? (Krugman vs. Sowell)
Does it matter what the President *says* at this point?
In "real life" Dawg is a mom, a nurse, a pet rescuer and a tireless advocate for animal rights.
Dawg is happily married for thirty years and has raised three awesome children. She holds an advanced degree in Family Science, wherein her research was focused on women's support circles during parturition. Her dedication to Women's Rights is directly affected by her belief that motherhood should not be a sentence to isolation and disenfranchisement.
Dawg is on hiatus from political bloggery d/t the intense demands of her engagement in the No Kill movement at this time. However, she remains influenced by PUMA politics and reads the blogs of her fellow PUMAs (at right) regularly.
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