I find it quite odd how much attention Feminism is being paid in the Leftie Rags all of a sudden. Don't you? I mean, publications that were rife with overt and unapologetic sexism during the 2008 elections are suddenly our friends again. Strange.
WAPO, as I posted a few days ago. And also NYT.
What gives, I wonder?
A little trip over to The Chesler Chronicles may shed some light. Read her essay titled "Feminist Hawks Unite" for a list of clues. Quoting Phyllis now:
>"Among writers concerned with women’s rights are: Frontpage editor Jamie Glazov; Anat Berko; Tammy Bruce (who was once the President of Los Angeles NOW); Nonie Darwish; Brigitte Gabriel; Professor Donna Hughes; Nancy L. Kobrin; Robert Spencer, Wafa Sultan; and countless others. I will be adding more names to this list.
I know, I know: Many of the above writers are conservatives, not liberals. Some are new-comers, others not. But they are all, myself included, “hawkish” on the subject of the war against women and a) will not engage in cultural relativism to avoid being called “racists” or “Islamophobes;” b) will not be held hostage to one of two political parties; c) will not sacrifice Israel, America, the West, Muslim democrats/dissidents–or the truth–in order to remain politically correct and aligned to social, political, and funding networks.
I think Dr. Chesler has hit on something. The Left is awakening from it's Obama kool-ade stupor, and finding a groundswell of "Conservative" Feminism. They realize they've somehow missed the boat... and they are paddling hard to catch up. The Left's cultural relativist ideology is locking horns with pure Feminist Hawk-ology. This is not what the "Third Wave" expected to encounter in the wake of it's great SuperFemiMan "victory."
Not at all.
Love It!!!
ReplyDeletePUMA W00T!
Oh, I dunno. I would hardly call WaPo/NYT "leftie rags". Mind you, it's not the "rags" term I have trouble with. But these are the papers that led the crusade against Clinton, picked W over Gore in 2000, championed the war and most W policies...
ReplyDeleteThat being said, I too noticed a turnaround on this issue and I am at a loss to explain it.
Somehow, I am afraid something ugly is coming women's way and this is the misdirection.
I'll tell you what's coming our way... here ya go:
ReplyDeleteTime to quit whining about my own right to an abortion and suit up for the fight against global misogyny. I know this is hard for a lot of third wavers, who thought the only thing we ever meant by "equality" was personal reproductive freedom, and the right to party at the White House with lingerie models and groper boys.
We are gearing up for the big battle... you know... the one that will not pander to Islam's extremists. And we won't tolerate our President doing so either. We won't bow at the altar of Cultural Relativism (or before the Prince of the Saudi's) while our sisters are being beheaded and stoned.
We won't be held hostage by one political party, or the other.
PUMA Woot! That's right!!
The shit is about to hit the global fan, and Hillary is leading the way.
Many of the Leftie Rags and blogs are waking up. They can't quite admit they were wrong but they are now giving Hillary grudging, if belated, respect.
ReplyDeleteJust stopping by, as I search for a new 'home' somewhere in the PUMAsphere.
ReplyDeleteI find your Aug. 26 post (on Women's Equality Day, yay!) very interesting. Also, I agree with your comment, especially the last sentence:
"Time to quit whining about my own right to an abortion and suit up for the fight against global misogyny. I know this is hard for a lot of third wavers, who thought the only thing we ever meant by "equality" was personal reproductive freedom, and the right to party at the White House with lingerie models and groper boys.
We are gearing up for the big battle... you know... the one that will not pander to Islam's extremists. And we won't tolerate our President doing so either. We won't bow at the altar of Cultural Relativism (or before the Prince of the Saudi's) while our sisters are being beheaded and stoned.
We won't be held hostage by one political party, or the other."
I might add: "We won't be held hostage by the 'personality wars' on some PUMA blogs, because we recognize that we don't have that kind of time to waste on needless, acrimonious verbal confrontations, particularly with those whom we should recognize and embrace as allies. After all, such confrontations can only ultimately be explained/viewed as egocentric, counterproductive navel-gazing."
By way of brief introduction,I'm a veteran of the late '70s/early '80s fight for ERA/ERA Extension, and a former lifelong Dem who registered/voted R for the first time last Nov.
My interest in blogging is as follows: I want to know what anyone is willing to do here and now, today, to actively fight/conquer the mindless sexism/misogyny that has risen to epidemic proportions in the United States and around the world. If someone is actively engaged in this fight alongside me, I don't give a flyin' fig what label they choose to use or not use for themselves. Also, I want to know what anyone is willing to do here and now, today, to hold every damn one of our U.S. elected officials accountable as the duly elected/taxpayer-paid representatives of 'we, the people.' Again, if someone is actively involved in this fight alongside me, I don't care one whit what label they choose to use or not use for themsleves.
I'm an American woman, and damn proud of it. Everything else, here and now, today, is of secondary importance--for if we lose this country and what it represents, we lose everything. Here it is, 30 years after I marched, demonstrated, lobbied and worked my butt off for the ERA/ERA Extension, and women still aren't fully protected under the Constitution. It's thirty years later, and the rights of the LGBT community still aren't fully protected under the Constitution. It's thirty years later, and everyday American marchers, demonstrators, spokespeople are being called 'Un-American,' 'mindless mobs,' even 'Nazis' and 'brownshirts' (by Democrats!) just because they're exercising their Constitutional First Amendment Rights (and don't happen to agree with the current occupant of the WH). If that doesn't make every American woman's blood boil, then they're not paying attention or are too preoccupied and hung up on labels that have been rendered meaningless by the events of the past year and a half.
Others may call me whatever label they wish, but I will not sit down and shut up until/unless women have achieved equality with men in every aspect of life; until'unless the LGBT community has achieved equality of rights; and so long as our individual liberties are under attack as they are now. Yes, I'm an American woman. I'm proud of my country and I'm proud of myself, and I'll be damned if I sit by and allow anyone, especially my own corrupt government, rottenly rife with members of the 'political aristocracy,' to continue to trample on my country or me and my sisters and brothers.
Anonynous, you are welcome here! We are on a similar wavelength it seems, and... you are correct.... we don't have time to waste bickering.
ReplyDeleteProud Progressive Patriots Unite.
Thy name is PUMA!!